Top 5 lower body exercises at home that work like a charm

Top 5 lower body exercises at home that work like a charm

Many new gym-goers emphasize working on exercises that work on “beach muscles” such as chest, abdominals, and arms. While it’s important to work these muscles, half of your workout volume should revolve around the lower body. The great thing is that you don’t really need a gym membership if you want to develop your lower body. Here are five lower body exercises you can do at home that work like a charm.

Squat variations:

It’s no secret that the squat is the king of all lower body exercises at home and you don’t need a gym to do them. In fact, you can get just as good of a workout at the comfort of your home using very little to no equipment. The squat is an excellent exercise that works every muscle in the lower body as well as other stabilizing muscles like the back and your abs. Here are some variations to try.



Lat Pull-down Machine Alternatives - Our Choice in 2024

Lat Pull-down Machine Alternatives - Our Choice in 2024

The lat pulldown machine is up there with bent-over rows, pull-ups, and deadlifts as some of the best back exercises you can do. However, not everyone has access to this machine. Whether you can’t do lat pull-downs because you don’t have it or because it doesn’t work for you, this is your guide to finding an alternative that works just as good if not even better.

How to mimic the lat pulldown machine:

The lat pulldown is typically done with a straight bar handle that is attached to a pulley system whereby you can select the weights using a pin. The movement is done by anchoring your body using a foam pad at the base of the seat and pulling the bar handle down to your chest. This movement uses the lat muscles as well as other muscles in the back.




The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Weight Plates

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Weight Plates

Barbells and dumbbells are the holy grail of all free weight training. The majority of people coming to the gym are looking to get stronger, bigger, and leaner with barbells that use weight plates. With the wide range use of weight plates, the question shifts to how efficient can they be as far as advantages and disadvantages go.

Advantages of Weight Plates:


One of the best things about using weight plates is the fact that it’s convenient for a lot of movements and exercises. Weight plates are typically used for barbells which means that you can work any muscle.



The Ultimate Lower Back Workouts for Men You Must Try

The Ultimate Lower Back Workouts for Men You Must Try

New gym-goers tend to focus on the superficial muscles that look impressive on the beach. It’s common to see people exercising their chest, biceps, and abdominals since they’re the “beach muscles”. However, most people neglect muscles that make up the foundation such as the lower body and back. Lower back workouts for men are the most overlooked since the muscle cannot be seen easily and it doesn’t really make that much of a difference aesthetically.

The reality of the situation is that the lower back muscles are the foundation. They’re constantly working in the background to keep you balanced and steady. Moreover, they’re responsible for keeping your core engaged at all times.

The importance of low back workouts for men:

Lower back work is underrated in terms of how much benefit it has on your performance. Just by adding more low-back workouts to your routine, you will notice a significant difference in your strength and posture.



Pendulum Squat Benefits - Supercharge Your Legs

Pendulum Squat Benefits - Supercharge Your Legs

Squats, deadlifts, and bench press are exercises that you can never go wrong with. They work the major muscles as well as the stabilizing muscles in the body. However, weight-loaded machines such as the pendulum squat can offer more variety and benefits than the regular traditional squat. If your gym has one, then you certainly do not want to skip the pendulum squat benefits in your next leg workout.

More effective than the squat?

There are several pendulum squat benefits that may convince you to add the exercise to your next workout. In fact, a lot of people argue that it is far more effective than the squat since it puts your knee at a great angle which can target more muscle fibers.

Since the machine does not require you to stabilize the weight, it makes for an excellent tool to load up far more than you would have if you had just done regular barbell squats. Moreover, it gives you a lot more variety in terms of foot positioning which targets different areas in the leg. The key factor with pendulum squats is to get a high-quality machine that can offer more versatility in terms of options.



How to Use Gym Equipment for Beginners - Our Guide in 2024

How to Use Gym Equipment for Beginners - Our Guide in 2024

Knowing exactly how to use gym equipment can be very beneficial as it saves time and energy while avoiding all the possible pitfalls. In the discussion of how to use gym equipment for beginners, it’s a good idea to establish a few rules and guidelines rather than instruction on every single piece of equipment. There are hundreds if not thousands of gym equipment out there and it would take more time to know how to use them before you can get any work done. 

Knowing how to use gym equipment for beginners:

Purpose first:

Every piece of equipment in the gym has a purpose. Whether it be a barbell, machine, or even resistance bands. Understand the purpose behind the equipment first in order to properly execute the movement. Always start with the end goal in mind. For instance, the goal of a pendulum squat is to allow your legs to go through a greater range of motion without putting the knee at risk. Therefore, it would be foolish to cut out the range of motion in half.



Finding the Perfect Exercise Machine to Strengthen Your Knees

Finding the Perfect Exercise Machine to Strengthen Your Knees

One of the best ways to prevent knee injuries or knee pain is to strengthen them. If you’ve ever had a knee injury then you know exactly why it’s so important to prevent any mishaps. A good way to do that is to find the best exercise machine to strengthen your knees.

Bullet-proofing your knees:

The best thing to do to bullet-proof your knees is to find the best exercise machines to strengthen your knees first. However, this does not mean that it’s the only way. There are a lot of things you can do to which can work in conjunction with strengthening your knees.

Losing weight:

One of the most important factors in knee strength is not the type of tension you put on them during training, but rather how much tension you put your knees on during the rest of the day. If you carry a lot of excess body fat, your knees will have to work at all times to stabilize your weight which in itself can cause some knee problems. Therefore, losing bodyweight can greatly reduce the volume of load that is put on your knees which can allow them to heal a lot faster.